Play-Fight practice: a journey of connection
In the autumn of 2019, I participated in the Movement Immersion camp organized by the Formless Arts collective. This is where I first encountered the Play-Fight practice which proved [...]
In the autumn of 2019, I participated in the Movement Immersion camp organized by the Formless Arts collective. This is where I first encountered the Play-Fight practice which proved [...]
In this article I mean to share some personal thoughts that arose after watching ‘Landscapes of resistance’ (2021), by Serbian director Marta Popivoda. The movie touched me and triggered [...]
Picture from an embodiment workshop I facilitated for a group of Performatory students together with Suzan Lindhout. In the search for my own practice as transformative social innovator, I [...]
For an Extinction Rebellion (XR) protest about a year ago, I was asked to give a speech about regenerative cultures. It was recorded through a Facebook livestream video which [...]
Okay, not always. But hear me out, sympathy will not lead to the needed radical transformations in society. Empathy will. How would you feel about getting hit by [...]
(Extinction Rebellion Netherlands, 2021) One of the topics that is important for me as a transformative social innovator is climate justice. The climate crisis is an issue I feel [...]
For this blog I recorded a radio episode together with another friend with whom I live together in the community in Vlaardingen. We talk about the concept of the [...]
In this blog I will talk about Vlaardingen Commons - a commons-based project for fairer urban housing. This is my graduation project, on which I am working right now [...]
Hi! My name is Noemi Bardas, and I am currently a transformative social innovation student. In my study, as well as personally, I am interested in how we can [...]