Marketing strategie

Do you remember those years
Do you remember those years where you went outside together with your friends to play on the schoolyard, in the forest, at home, or at the playground? All that you did when you were younger was inventing, inventing your surrounding and figuring out what you could make out and do with it. The Uitvindfabriek of Breda believes that children do not invent enough anymore…

Inventing is necessary
Inventing is necessary to keep our valuable quality to be creative. Creativity is needed by creating new innovative ideas and products. Look at our society for example. Nowadays lots of work is replaced by machines and robots. Creating those technological machines also asks for creativity. But what if…? What if I we already kill the curiosity to invent and be creative at a young age already? Where will all those creative and innovate ideas then will appear?

Uitvindfabriek is a place where children can learn
Uitvindfabriek is tackling this challenge. Uitvindfabriek is a place where children can learn, try and explore with technical elements to create something new together. It is allowed to make mistakes because this only improves themselves. Besides children, the Uitvindfabriek also involves parents in this creation process. Parents are not allowed to sit on their buts all the time. No! Parents will invent as well.

Students of Performatory helped
Today students of Performatory helped Corné Hooijmaijers, manager of the Uitvindfabriek, to find a new strategy to share the importance of inventing by children. The day started by receiving the challenge of Corné. Secondly, Thomas, marketing expert of Breda University of Applied sciences shared his knowledge with the students and employees of the Uitvindfabriek. The main topic we talked about was: what kind of strategies are there and how can we make a strategy? After the theoretical part, Corné gave us an extensive tour through the whole factory. When the tour was finished the students had enough input to work on the challenge Corné had for us. The challenge we had to address was: how can we grow our number of visitors on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday (personal and private visits).

All in all, the ideas the students came up with were really useful according to Corné. Herby a short bundling about his statements. Corné: “You created long term strategies because of creating a community “grow does not happen in over a day” also you make children do what we want them to do. It brings everybody together and that is want we want. You create an unconscious flow of people to the Uitvindfabriek. Lastly, the ideas are mysterious but interesting, I really like it.”

The winning strategy
The winning strategy was about approaching his visitors differently. They came up with the idea to change the design of the flyers. This group designed an origami design which makes children curious to see what is on the design. The paper is folded into a square, children can blow in the square to make it a box. When the box is open, information could be written all over all the sides of the square.

During this day we made a lot of pictures and movies, so please watch the video by scanning the QR code below to get an impression about the theme days.