Project Description


For a couple of years now we have a close collaboration with Netvlies. One of the lecturers did an internship at Netvlies to find out more about the digital transformation that especially platforms are going through. In addition, Netvlies has a lot of knowledge on social innovation and design thinking.


They work with intense design sprints of 5 days in which all the stakeholders are involved and in the end they design a prototype that gets tested. But the organisation structure is very interesting as well since they don’t have managers. Instead, they work with bottom-up approaches in which talents and interests are most important.


The exchange of knowledge between Netvlies and Performatory already resulted in a couple of very interesting education days, like the day in which the Kamer van Koophandel asked the students to think along during one of the design sprints on the different stakeholders could become more co-creative. An impression can be found in the clip.