Design Thinking

Blog 8 | Charlotte | Let’s share

This is a blog where I want to share my insights with everything I have learned over the past few months and which has helped me expand my professional view. Hereby I share my vision and my opinion on the topic of social media, youth, and mental health. But I also want young people to start sharing. Share how they feel and what they are experiencing in terms of mental health complaints. Share the different pressures they are feeling. Share what kind of impact the pandemic is having on them. Share it all, with each other.

Blog 8 | Charlotte | Let’s share2020-08-27T17:31:06+02:00

Blog 7 | Emma | First things first

As a student, I come across this, and have been coming across this, my entire life: postponing, leaving things up to the last minute, evasiveness. The first time it is a presentation where I am writing my cue cards five minutes before showtime, the next time it is handing in my proposal at 11:59 pm when the deadline is at midnight [...]

Blog 7 | Emma | First things first2020-08-27T16:59:19+02:00

Blog 3 | Emma | Shifting perspectives

Over the last few years, I have researched identity, brands, companies and organizations and especially how they can give back to the world. Reflecting on the course of action I took up until now, I noticed my scope was simultaneously broad and specific. When I was doing research on commercial companies and how they can give back to the world, I stumbled upon social enterprises. [...]

Blog 3 | Emma | Shifting perspectives2020-08-27T17:12:37+02:00

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